Production blog

 Hello! Its Sloane, and welcome back to my blog!

Today I'll be talking about the processes of my production and some inspo on how I want my commercial to be formatted!

I want my commercial to look retro and like its from a VHS tape. I'll want my videos and pictures to match up to my music. So every time there's a change in the music or a beat drop(something like that) the video will either change or cut to another part of it. The pictures will also change the same way the videos will. I'd like to put bursts of photos in my commercial that will change from each slide every second.

I don't want my cuts in my commercial to be random and confusing. Instead I want to make them more meaningful and have a certain timing. 

Depending on how my design and layout turns out with this project I might want to add more than one song. Songs usually set the mood for different things. You could be sad or gloomy and have  slower songs and when the mood lifts you have more uptempo upbeat songs.

I'm hoping to splice my commercial together in a way that seems like me. I'm hoping to figure out my music soon and get a better understanding with what I really want to do. I'm thinking about adding older videos and pictures in the middle after I sort of introduce myself. Although i'm not sure if we can I think a voice over would be a good touch to my commercial. I'm still coming up with more ideas and as time goes on i'll have more of an understanding of what I would like to do. Thank you for tuning into today's blog and i'll see you in the next one! Bye!!!
